Sunday, February 23, 2014

The role MY SPONSORING COACH has played in my life.

I have known my sponsoring coach, Mindy Hord, for many years. We grew up in the same town, graduated High School (early) together & partied together A LOT! I remember her having her oldest child at a young age. I remember her leaving town & moving all the way to Texas at a young age as well. We lost contact for a long time. We reconnected on Facebook in 2008-9ish. I remember watching her go through her last pregnancy & being committed to eating healthy so she could walk out of the hospital in her regular jeans. I was in an eating healthy stage as well & I recall sharing protein smoothie recipes a few times. Never discussing exercise, that I can recall.

Fast forward to April of 2012. I just had my second daughter & was waiting to be released from the Dr to join the Gym. One day I saw her post that she was starting P90X. Didn't think much of it, because I too had attempted P90X a few years prior & never finished. In fact I knew several people who owned it & either never attempted it or never finished it, so I kind of thought that was just how it was. Then she posted about a challenge group & Shakeology. I remembered looking at Shakeology briefly when I purchased P90X & thinking it was an overpriced protein shake. I asked her about her challenge group & told her that I already owned P90X & that I was just waiting to be released from the Dr. She encouraged me to join her group. I asked about Shakeology & decided to order 1 bag to give it a try. I signed up as a coach that same week.

At first, I told her that I did not want to promote as she was. Just wanted a discount on the products. She said ok & was not pushy at all. She has always been very supportive & encouraging. I slowly decided to learn more about coaching. She was able to point me in the right direction for answers & was there when I needed her. She still made my fitness & health a priority & kept me going. I have watched her do amazing things with her Beachbody Business & I have learned so much from her. We have both grown in areas we never thought we needed. I have definitely learned a lot. Everyday I get a little something from her. It's been such an amazing, life changing experience that I cannot thank her enough for what she has taught me.

I strive daily to be a great leader, coach, friend, wife, mother, daughter, sister. Many of these things come from her & Beachbody's encouragement of Personal Development. The role that Mindy, has played in my life has truly become significant. I will forever be grateful to her & her support during this journey in my life.

Even if you did not know your coach before hand, that does not mean that they will not help you or play a significant role in your life. I have developed some wonderful friendships with people whom I have never met through this journey. If you have an open mind you can accomplish great things.

Thank you Mindy, for all you have taught me!

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