Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Confessions of a Beachbody Coach

Yesterday Tom & I committed 110% to a second round of the 21 Day Fix. We did a round when it first came out in preparation for our Cruise to Cozmel & Grand Caymen, but I will be honest we were NOT 110% with our nutrition. Why? Because we are HUMAN! My husband started his 5 week vacation & we literally went into "Vacation Mode" until, well... yesterday!

In my 25 months as a Beachbody Coach I have given my all to more than 1 program, hence the fact that I have lost 40+ pounds & built lean muscle & definition. But I will admit that I get side tracked, bored, discouraged, stressed & tempted. It's everywhere! I am a firm believer in taking baby steps in order to be successful over time. Nothing is guaranteed in life but we do hold the power to make the decisions. I help people everyday with these same issues.

I knew that I had gained some weight from the cruise just due to salty foods & lots of beer. I don't really weigh myself much anymore so I didn't have an exact number but I could feel a difference in my body. Anyway, fast forward to yesterday. I got up in the morning & went straight to the bathroom to get on the scale for my "before" stats. I wrote the number into my notepad on my phone & carried on with my morning routine. After waking up hubby we did our pics & measurements, then headed to the garage for Day 1. I had not really worked out in about 2 weeks. We had been training for a Half Marathon & that was part of what threw off our routine & eating too. Anyway, I felt GOOD, I told Tom I was going to push myself 110% & I did! Finished up the 30 minute workout & felt amazing! That evening I sat down at the computer to enter my stats into the goal tracker that is included with a FREE membership to Team Beachbody. I saw that I hadn't even entered stats since the end of January which is when we completed round 2 of the Ultimate Reset. I wanted to cry when I read them compared to what I was entering in. I was 17 pounds heavier. Gained 2 inches in each thigh, 3 inches in my hips & 4 in my waist! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!? F*CK was all I could say!

So there it is. My biggest obstacle in my journey so far. I will over come it! I AM 110% dedicated to the 21 Day Fix. It has changed so many lives & it will change mine! Take a peek at some of these amazing results from my customers, friends & coaches.

Crazzzzzzzzy right?!?!?!?!

I have 1 exception already planned, my daughters Bday I will eat 1 cupcake. That is all.

If you are interested in the 21 Day Fix & need help, support, motivation or accountability please don't hesitate to reach out to me. We can do this, together.  You can find me on Facebook or shoot me an email at macksmamma@gmail.com. I would love to have you join me!