Thursday, June 5, 2014

21 Day Fix-My results, experience & review of the program.

I am down 6 pounds & 9.5 inches. Considering the fact that we were traveling for 6 out of the 21 days, I think I did pretty well. 

Of course my nutrition COULD have been 100%, but honestly for me that isn't realistic. I am a pretty clean eater most of the time, but I have learned that I cannot restrict myself because I have issues with binge eating & I am totally an emotional eater. So ya, I had a burger, 3 slices of pizza (could have eaten WAY more), some cookies & beer. And a few nights a week I have 1-2 small squares of dark chocolate. 

Most of all, even having the above foods, this round has helped me get back into a portion control groove. I keep a note in my iPhone for my daily portion amounts in each category. I check them off as I eat. Using the "colored container" system is so much faster & funner than reading the packages, getting out measuring spoons or cups. I have all my containers sitting right on my counter & I just grab, fill & dump (on my plate). 

I KNOW that portion control & food prep is one of the biggest problems that people have when trying to lose weight & eat better. It comes sometimes from sheer laziness (I know because I battle it too) & from being uneducated in what is healthy & nutrition in general. The 21 Day Fix is truly the key to helping people be successful at all of the above. The workouts are only 30 minutes & completely modifiable. Heck, there is plenty that I modify & still get a great workout. You can easily use the containers with any other fitness routine that you may have too. Even when I am not following the 21 Day Fix workouts, I still use the containers DAILY! I actually feel weird not using them or checking them off my list. I have taken them to a restaurant & portioned out my food & took the rest home. 

I have helped several people start with this program since it's release in February & I have seen people make changes & accomplish goals that they never though possible. It's like this program has opened a door to an entirely new world for them. The simplicity of this program makes people HAPPY too!!! I'll be honest, there are some programs that are just complicated for people to follow & it is very frustrating (I know because I have been there too!) & that is why some give up so easily. They think that being healthy is just too hard. It really isn't. The hardest part is getting started, and that's why there are people like me out there willing to put in the time & effort to help others. 

Back in 2010 when I first ordered P90X, I never even knew about Team Beachbody Coaches. Man, I WISH I WOULD HAVE!!! When we got our package we picked the schedule, did all our measurements, pics & fit test, but I looked at the nutrition guide & laughed! I thought they (Tony Horton & Beachbody) were crazy for wanting me to eat all that food. I just knew that if I ate the same as I was it would be fine! Well when we took our 60 day progress pics & there was ZERO change I just knew that program was a joke. Only "Fit" people could get results. I truly had no idea that my nutrition was the problem. I wish I had a coach then to help me because at that point we just quit doing the program. It wasn't until 2 years later that I picked it back up with the help of a coach & learned exactly why the nutrition was so important. Alas, I got actual results!!

If you think that the 21 Day Fix could be the answer for you, don't hesitate to ask about it. Give it a try. What do you have to lose? Honestly, EVERYONE NEEDS this program in their life!!

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